terms of sale

Please credit and tag Samuel Noakes Photographics when images are used on Facebook and Instagram.

digital image license

Dated 11/2/2020 - By purchasing any and all images (digital or print) from this website, you agree to the folowing:



Samuel Noakes Photographics owns copyright to any and all images taken by Samuel Noakes Photographics. Any and all images purchased from Samuel Noakes Photographics remain under their copyright licensing unless otherwise stated and agreed upon in a separate written contract or agreement.

Any and all images purchased from Samuel Noakes Photographics are to be used for personal use only. Reproduction of any and all kinds, and any and all third party use of Samuel Noakes Photographics images is strictly prohibited. Samuel Noakes Photographics reserves the right to take legal action against any infringements of their work.

Samuel Noakes Photographics must be notified immediately of any and all third parties wanting to use and/or buy Samuel Noakes Photographics images. Written permission must be obtained from Samuel Noakes Photographics prior to any and all images of Samuel Noakes Photographics being/or to be used by any and all third parties.

By completing any and all purchases on this website, I accept the conditions of, and acknowledge that Samuel Noakes Photographics owns all copyright to any and all images purchased, unless otherwise stated in a separate written contract or agreement. I agree to be legally bound by the rules, regulations and policies of Samuel Noakes Photographics at all times. I have read, understand, acknowledge and agree to this contract.